Sunday, July 8, 2012

If At First You Don't Succeed, Skydiving Is Not For You.

                          Everyone can fall off an airplane, Sky divers just do it right.
The feeling of skydiving from thousands of feat is completely ineffable but if described in one word it will surely be freedom. I told my friend that I'll be going for skydiving next year and his reaction was "Jumping off a plane? What are you? Chuck Norris." Haha! One needs to have real ba**s to do something like this but once you have jumped off the plane, the fear literally vanishes.  Once you are in the sky all those heroic quotes come into your mind "The sky is the limit", "I believe I can fly" and "Fu** the whole universe". Apologies for the last one but trust me this is one thing that you'll definitely say if it is your first time.

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